businessman-reading-a-bill-CC-Flickr SalFalkoAs the middle class struggles to make gains and President Barack Obama strives to shine a spotlight on the issue of income inequality, an unlikely constituency is looking for ways to close the nation’s growing wealth gap: a handful of top U.S. business tycoons.

These advocates point to notions of fairness and admit to twinges of guilt, but the core concern driving all of them—left, right and libertarian—is a belief that the economy doesn’t function efficiently when the wealth gap is wide.

Five such advocates are investor Warren Buffett, Silicon Valley millionaire Ron Unz, Seattle venture capitalist Nick Hanauer, software pioneer Steve Silberstein and New York City media mogul Leo Hindery Jr.

(READ the AP Story from CNBC)

Photo via Flickr from Sal Falko – CC license

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