500-good-things.gifEDITOR’s BLOG – Have you added your link to 500GoodThings.com? You can share YOUR good news with the GNN-i community (and the world). This is a directory of enlightened websites, people, products and services — all together in one place! When you purchase a link on 500goodthings.com you’ve gained access to our growing network of inspired readers for the promotion of your product or service. Basic links cost ONLY $25.00, yet the link stays up indefinitely! Four great new links were added last week. Get on the list, before it fills up…

We have no plans to ever take this page down. We want the list to grow and expand — along with your link that advertises any web page you choose. Add color, and boldness to the link to make it stand out, or add descriptive Mouse-over text that expresses the service, product, or event that you want to share. Go see how people are using their talents and passion on their favorite things.

If yours is a business with an audience similar to that of the Good News Network, this advertising choice is a no-brainer. Each month hundreds more people look for good news in search engines and find the Good News Network, #1 on Google. Our main site gets new traffic all the time, and every new person sees the colorful banner linking to 500 Good Things and thinks, "I need some good things."

Everyone LOVES the list. Get yourself on it. Add your friend to it. I think 500 Good Things is not only a cool list made by our own readers, but the perfect match of advertising, fundraising, and promotion. It provides a way for us ALL to share our good — while supporting each other, growing our businesses, and driving traffic to our sites.

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