Art fooling the eyes by NikolajArndtWhether using chalk outside on the sidewalks, or paint indoors, as in the room pictured here with alligators, Nikolaj Arndt, a Russian-born artist knows how to fool the eye with his trumpe l’oeil images.

In just three years Arndt has become a master of the art of illusion, often depicting wild animals on city sidewalks with 3-D murals that demand of viewers to snap photos or jump into the scenes themselves.

Educated in drawing and painting, the Russian moved to Germany in 2006. He currently works in advertising as a designer and lives in Marburg. He was drawn into street art by the annual German festivals focused on trumpe l’oeil chalk art.

Through the use of perspective and shading, and one or two days work, his street art can make you think the Earth has just opened up before you revealing a great dark pit, or that a great lion has just emerged from a cave.

(WATCH the video below, and see more art on his Facebook page
– Also, see his art on

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