blog radioI’m celebrating the debut of the Good News Podcast! It’s been a long time since I first dreamed of ‘podcasting’ a dose of good news for the world, but finally the first segment has been recorded and is ready for mass enjoyment… Podcasts are available on both as MP3 downloads for your portable devices, AND streaming online from my own host page there. NOTE: You do not have to Register at BlogTalkRadio to hear the show.

The show actually ran live on the web site’s home page (before being available as a download and streaming file afterward). The show, total time 14:47, consists of a Top Ten Countdown of the best good news of week, and also feature a "Best Person in the World" segment. Check it out at
The media player below is also supposed to play the show…


  1. I have to dart out of the office, but when I return I will check on the audio quality of the show and if needed, fix it…
    I think I might have needed to mute my phone as I played my recorded show during the Live time slot.

    I’ll check it out later, because the original file is clean and crisp as a recording…

  2. I had to upload the podcast again around 5PM Eastern time, as I made a mistake not muting my phone while playing the file the first time. . . Much better now, but I’m still not happy with the sound quality. I will be able to improve it, both technically and its stylistic merits, over time…I need to figure out how to export a make a .WAV file on a mac, converting from AIFF.

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