donate life logoApril is National Donate Life Month, a time to bring awareness to the astounding fact that with a simple choice today, you can save a life. Really. You can give someone their life.

As a matter of fact, you can actually save SEVEN lives.

You can save seven, and help dozens of others by becoming an organ and tissue donor. The first step, aside from signing a donor card or indicating the gift on your driver’s license, is to express your decision to your family. Learn more and receive a donor card by visiting

Even though hundreds of thousands of people have provided the gift of life through a commitment to organ donation, there is still a tremendous need. More than 84,000 people are on the nation’s organ transplant waiting list. On average, 16 patients die each day while awaiting an organ. By getting involved, you can provide hope, and share in the abundance of gratitude. Want encouragement? Just read some of these stories of hope from Virginia.


It’s especially easy to donate organs and tissue in Virginia. The motor vehicle department prints your pledge on your drivers license, and residents can utilize the internet at to sign up for transplants with a beautiful and upbeat web site.


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