delivery package gold boxKengi Carr wrote a heartfelt blog post describing how he felt when he won the gift of gourmet fudge following the Good New Network’s “Give A Fudge” contest, in which he was nominated by a friend for his service to the poor and HIV community in L.A.

Carr stressed that he doesn’t devote his life to helping others in order to get rewarded or lauded by others. But the fudge award arrived at a time of doubt and cynicism for Carr regarding higher ups in city government. Alex’s nomination and ultimately winning the award reminded him of the gratitudel he feels for his friends and supporters, and the appreciation they feel for him:

”My friend and fellow artist, Alex, called me the other night to tell me about an award she nominated me for. I was so honored that she would even think of me, but then she told me I had won and I was floored. When she read what she wrote about me, my tears began to fall. I know what my friends think of me, but to hear them share those thoughts with others is just so moving and humbling to me.”

“This award came from someone who knows I was once homeless and living with HIV and has never made me feel inadequate in any way, so it’s far more than just fudge to me.”

“I ate half of the fudge and it was damn good. I shared the rest with four people I provide homeless outreach to. (Thanks to a loyal supporter of mine, I’m able to feed homeless people or eating sweets Kengi Carr photoprovide food for low income individual and families each month.) I’m sure my friends will tell you that they knew I would share the fudge. I wouldn’t be who I am if I didn’t.”

“I would like to say thanks to the people from the Good News Network and for even considering doing something like this for all of us who do things, not because we are paid to do it, or that it looks good for whatever “community” we have membership in, but because it’s the right thing to do for our fellow human beings.”

Learn more at his blog, – Photos by Kengi Carr

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