hens around woman-Flickr-Marji Beach-CCThe Affordable Care Act — which many see creating challenges for businesses — could benefit a particular group of business people: entrepreneurs.

Joshua Simonson was reluctant to give up his job at a Portland, Ore., area grocery store, New Seasons Market, which he says had provided excellent health care for him and his family. He had a pre-existing condition that has prevented him from getting insurance in the private market, but one key development helped convince him to quit and start a farm.

Now he has 3,000 egg-laying hens, and says one of the biggest factors was the Affordable Care Act, which ensured their family would be able to be covered by health care starting in 2014.

One expert estimates the ACA could help boost employment by creating somewhere around 25,000 additional new businesses each year.

(READ or Listen to the story from NPR)

Flickr photo by Marji Beach-CC license

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