homeless vet with shopgirl-imgurA nice story was posted on Reddit about a friendship between a young shop girl and a homeless veteran who hangs out near where she works (photo, right). She received a gift from him the other day and shared the story with photos on December 5:

“Over the past few months we have become friends… On certain days we eat lunch or have snacks together.”

“Tony tells me about his war stories, loved ones, and who should win the Super Bowl. I tell Tony about my problems, loved ones, and how I don’t really care who should win the Super Bowl.

This past month has been one of the hardest ones to get through in my life and at times there really seemed as if there wouldn’t be solace. Tony was there for me, listened each day as things got worse and surely pushed me to move forward and continue working toward my ambitions and dreams.

I was walking outside still feeling sorry for myself listening to self-loathing music when I felt a tap on the shoulder. It was Tony.

He looks at me more seriously than he usually does and says he has something for me. From his army jacket pocket, he pulls out a watch head. Tony takes my hand and gently places the broken antique in my palm.

He says to me, “I don’t have much but I wanted you to know that you have done what many others would not simply by being my friend.”

As Tony walked away, I started to cry. I realized at that moment, when you reach out and do something kind for someone less fortunate, you get back not only what you gave, but infinitely more.”

(SEE the watch at the original post on i.imgur.com)


  1. It’s so true! What a great story, i used to talk to homeless people often because they seemed to understand and support me no matter what. No matter how low you are, they look at you, really listen understand and still say that you’re on the right path. Of course thats not all of them, but many in which i’ve met.

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