Pinto Plays Possum FB Mark N Kelley

This horse is so good at playing possum, he fooled a passerby into believing he’d been dead for days.

Recently, an electrical contractor knocked on a Texas couple’s door to tell them there was a dead horse in their field — swollen with it’s legs sticking straight up in the air.

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The woman, named Kelly, had to explain that her horse, Pinto, wasn’t dead at all. She then shot a video of her efforts to get him to stand up like other horses.

“Why do you keep playing dead?” she says, “You’re embarrassing me in front of the neighbors.”

In the background, you can hear cows mooing in apparent agreement.

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Pinto has his own Facebook page now, Pinto Plays Possum, where you can see the Shetland pony hanging out with the family dogs, who may have taught him the finer points of relaxing on your back.

(WATCH the video below from Mark N Kelly) — Photo: Mark and Kelly, Facebook

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