Polar bear Greenpeace ad slumped on treeIn an effort to stop big oil corporations from pushing into the Arctic and taking advantage of melting sea ice, celebrities are joining a Greenpeace campaign to #SaveTheArctic.

Jude Law narrates a new heart-wrenching video featuring a polar bear wandering through a city, finally slumping next to a tree. The music is the lilting sounds of Britain’s Radiohead singer Thom York.

As the arctic melts, the rush to exploit its resources is starting. Nobody will listen to her, but they’ll listen to you. Join the movement. Save the Arctic.

The celebrities are helping spread the message this season as Shell Oil begins exploratory drilling off the coast of Alaska.

“I stand with hundreds of thousands of others who think the area should be made into a sanctuary,” Jude Law told Greenpeace.

“An oil spill in the Arctic would devastate this region of breathtaking beauty, while burning that oil will only add to the biggest problem we all face, climate change,” said York. “That’s why I’m backing this campaign.”

(WATCH the video below or read the press release and join the campaign at Greenpeace)

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