holding-hands-mom-daugher.jpgA loving mother who kisses her child’s owies may be providing more health benefits than she knows.

New research indicates that early childhood experiences can have a lasting effect on health by influencing a person’s risk for chronic inflammation.

In the study, subjects who had a warm bond with mom expressed fewer genetic markers of inflammation, which over time can take a toll on the body.

(READ the story at LiveScience.com)

Photo courtesy of Sun Star


  1. That’s very wonderful to read!

    It would be much more impactful news (in my view) if there were studies that indicated that warm, nurturing relationships with helped the childrens’ immune systems and disease resistance. Mothers have (bless them) been nurturing toward their children for millions of years, and their contribution to their kids’ health is terrific to be acknowledged.

    It’s only been very recently (and in limited parts of our society) that have become more involved with parenting and nurturing the kids, to the benefit of all — not just coming home, the exhausted, uninvolved breadwinner. This new involvement is a trend that should be noticed, lauded and encouraged.

    Keep up the great work, Geri!

    warmly, Chrystos Minot

  2. (Hi, this is a corrected re-post of the previous one, Feel free to delete the entire previous post, Geri!)

    That’s very wonderful to read!

    It would be much more impactful news (in my view) if there were studies that indicated that warm, nurturing relationships with childrens’ fathers helped their immune systems and disease resistance. Mothers have (bless them) been nurturing toward their children for millions of years, and their contribution to their kids’ health is terrific to be acknowledged.

    It’s only been very recently (and in limited parts of our society) that fathers have become more involved with parenting and nurturing the kids, to the benefit of all — not just coming home, the exhausted, uninvolved breadwinner. This new involvement is a trend that should be noticed, lauded and encouraged.

    Keep up the great work, Geri!

    warmly, Chrystos Minot

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