death-cap-mushrooms.jpgThe call that awakened Dr. Todd Mitchell recently gave him chills. A woman and her twin 11-year-old grandsons had eaten soup made from deadly mushrooms they picked in the woods. What followed was a day-long search for a way to procure a new antidote from Germany, a non-FDA approved treatment used in Europe, called Legalon-Sil. They needed the  serum fast, but the drug companies were closed for the holidays. Death cap mushrooms, one of the most poisonous of all known toadstools, will cause rapid liver and kidney failure, especially in children, if left untreated. Read the suspenseful tale of this quick-thinking Santa Cruz doctor published in the San Jose Mercury News.

(Thanks to Jeanine for sending the link!)


  1. wow what a guy

    “Mitchell worried the special delivery would arrive too late for the twins, who were sicker than their grandmother. So he went to work explaining to Lufthansa why the stakes were high. After 15 minutes, he got a seat for the courier on the earliest flight.”

    – how neat is that!

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