key.jpgThe midst of a nasty recession may seem like the worst time to start your own business. But history shows plenty of corporate legends, including Microsoft, Genentech and Southwest Airlines, were founded during economic downturns.

And while the credit crunch is making it harder for those without severance or savings to strike out on their own, the recently passed economic stimulus legislation includes a number of measures to loosen the financing logjam.

So if you are laid-off, consider starting a business.

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  1. I believe this is a great time to start a business if you have a passion and the energy to stick with it. Right now the opportunities out there are limitless. We are shifting into a new era where there will be new businesses meeting new needs. It’s a very exciting time and the possibilities for the creative and those willing to ignore the belief in scarcity in lack will find great success.

    Think about what people need, what they are looking for in 2009 and build a business that offers products and services around that. Go for it and make your dreams come true.

    All the best,

    Denise Michaels
    Author, ‘Testosterone-Free Marketing”

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