triclosan hand soap - photo

Do you know what’s in your cosmetics? Or your perfume? The nation’s largest retailer, Wal-Mart announced Thursday that it will require suppliers to disclose and eventually phase out nearly 10 hazardous chemicals from the fragrances, cosmetics, household cleaners and personal care products at its stores.

Similarly, Procter & Gamble cited consumer preferences last week as the reason it will eliminate hormone-like phthalates and the antibacterial triclosan, which is a known endocrine disruptor, from all its products. Triclosan has been used in some tooth pastes, mouthwashes, and many soaps with “anti-bacterial” on the label.

In 2012, Johnson & Johnson pledged to remove those two chemicals, along with formaldehyde and parabens, from its personal care products worldwide.

(READ the story in the USA Today)

RELATED: For Your Health: Use Hand Sanitizers Without Triclosan

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