The Title: How to Consciously End a Relationship

The Lesson: If you have ever undergone a painfully messy breakup or suffered through the varied chaos of an intimate relationship, this talk might have some answers for you. From explaining how to end a relationship that isn’t working, to going over how to gracefully endure being dumped, to the power of labeling your emotions – there are dozens of ways to get better at maneuvering the confusing world of romance.

Notable Excerpt: “I have seen the most high-level advanced spiritual people make a total mess of the end of a relationship. We just don’t know how to navigate it, and I have a theory about it. I think that inside of our happily-ever-after myth – which kind of assumes that if a relationship ends before one or both people die, that it was a complete failure of love – we never really figured out how to bring conscious completion to our intimate relationships.”

The Guest: Katherine Woodward Thomas is not only the author of the New York Times bestseller “Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After”, but she also has years of experience as a licensed marriage therapist to backup her theories on how you can undergo a breakup with awareness and wisdom.

The Host: After spending years of his young life and athletic career struggling with his own emotional wellbeing, a crippling injury left Lewis Howes without an identity and without any work. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, however, Howes recreated himself as a multi-million dollar media producer, motivational speaker, bestselling author, and podcast host. The ex-football player now spends his days chatting with the most inspirational icons of this generation on his School of Greatness podcast.

Podcast: The School of Greatness podcast is available for download on Soundcloud and iTunes. You can also watch footage of the interviews on Howes’s YouTube channel.

Books: Howes is the author of the New York Times bestselling book “The School of Greatness”: an in-depth collection of lessons and wisdom that he has gathered from interviewing hundreds of the world’s greatest role models and thinkers. Howes’s latest book, “The Mask of Masculinity”, is based on his experience with the dangerous stereotypes and expectations that are placed on men in modern society.

(LISTEN to the inspiring talk below)

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