We installed a new component on the Web site for accepting comments. It was able to import all the old comments, but we may have lost one or two. If you find any missing that you wrote, please re-write them if you’d like… The little icon/photos that go with your comments are all there, yet we might have lost yours (Columbine?). Please upload it again, if needed. ALSO, remember to join Harry, me and GNN readers this Sunday night if you’d like to discuss the subject of GRATITUDE and how to appreciate EVEN the ‘bad’ things in life. Talk to you later!


  1. i hope everyone likes the new system! excuse the brief interruptions today while i was working on it…..

    now anyone can comment due to the new integrated anti-spam security image!
    its even easier for registered users…when you’re logged in the security image goes away.

    so start commenting!

  2. Columbine,
    With the new system, I can edit the comments, so don’t hesitate to write and ask me to do so (last week the OLD component was broken down so I couldn’t help you) . When I was designing the site I wished for the ability for users to edit their own comments, so I would say, it is destined for the future.

    I also noticed there is no longer a rating system integrated with comments.

    btw, where is your avatar? It’s not showing up in your comment…

  3. ARRRGH!
    *That* is what those e-mails were about. We couldn’t figure where on the site they were being generated from. Now that we know they are referring to the avatars, it should be easier to work out

    Columbine, I turned off image approval, so it should work know. If you don’t see it appear, try uploading again.

  4. Another slightly confusing bit – I tried to make a comment without having logged in, and instead of asking me to log in, the board asked me to copy a string of 5 characters, and when I did, just reloaded the page (although without blanking my comment text) and asked me to copy another string of 5 characters. It might be helpful to either allow non-logged-in people to comment, or to request a login rather than the 5-character schtick (which seems not to be working).

  5. I just tried that, columbine, and although I experienced what you did — the page reloaded and offered another string of characters, when I looked on the front page to see, my test comment (while I was logged out) *WAS* added… You just *can’t tell* after you hit submit because the your own page is not updated PLUS it gives the characters again, which makes you think it hadn’t been accepted. (Back to the drawing board!)

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