foreclosure-angel.jpg While the misfortune of others lured hundreds of bargain hunters to the foreclosure auction, a Dallas woman bought a stranger’s foreclosed home… and gave it back to her. She had seen a woman in the hallway sobbing…  (Read the story at Fox) Watch the video below.


  1. We as a people should not have to rely on hand-outs from the Government. Some of us are always in a position to help others, whether we see it or not. People like this woman who helped buy this woman’s house back are wonderful and all of us should strve to be in a postition like her. A position where we can and will help those less fortunate than ourselves, even when we think we are unfortunate too. Giving will only bring about more giving. I hope that everyone finds a way to send this video to as many people as possible. God bless them both!

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