Live Aid logoFor one day — July 13, 1985 — an unprecedented charity telethon called Live Aid mesmerized an estimated 1.4 billion of the planet’s 5 billion people, in one of the biggest, most ambitious concert events ever staged. Simultaneous shows from two continents at one point attracted 95 percent of the world’s television viewers — an even more incredible statistic when you consider that it happened before the Internet, cell phones, e-mail, text messaging, streaming video and Twitter.

The musical telethon ended up raising more than 200 million dollars for starving people in Ethiopia and around Africa and inspired future shows like Farm Aid and Live 8.

WATCH their 25th anniversary report or read the article from MTV...


  1. Spending a few weeks with my daughter, hubby & newborn grandson, I had brought with me some dvds for our ‘hanging our waiting for baby to come’ time. One of the dvds was Live Aid/4 disks I believe. we watched the whole show twice and loved every minute of it. It did change the world, and music continues to do so, helping us get re-connected with what is real, what is good and what is truly ‘us’, deep within. The result?? Deeper connections with others, thinking, speaking and acting differently for positive change . [url][/url]. PS: My Live Aid DVDs are still at her house… must get them back 🙄

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