golden-toad.jpg“He still remembers the time he helped carry 437 frogs and salamanders across Shades of Death Road. But it wasn’t enough. When he and the other “amphibian crossing guards” returned to the road an hour later, hundreds more had come and they were all dead, crushed by car tires.”

This year will be different.

(READ the story from NJ Audubon – scroll down the page to “Independence Twp. helps frogs get to the other side”)


In England a man is calling upon Derbyshire nature lovers to help a new nationwide scheme aiming to preserve the shrinking toad population. Chris Monk, a member of the Derbyshire Amphibian and Reptile Group, is organizing volunteers for a toad patrol scheme ahead of the start of the toad breeding season, which normally starts around March. Groups across Derby and the surrounding areas will help toads cross roads.

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