Title: The Trick to End Overthinking and Build the Business of Your Dreams

The Lesson: There is a very simple way to stop overthinking all of your actions, and it’s actually easier than you would guess – all it takes is counting down from 5. While it may seem simplistic, there is actually some science as to how this simple habit can stimulate your behavior for the better.

The Speaker: Mel Robbins is an American author, life coach, inspirational speaker, and CNN commentator who has specialized in motivating the masses with her 5-second rule. In addition to making appearances on Good Morning America, Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz, Oprah, The Today Show and Fox News, she has also delivered the wildly popular TEDX Talk “How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over”.

Books: Robbins is the author of “The 5-Second Rule”, a book on how to take control of your life, business, and career by simply counting to 5, and “Stop Saying You’re Fine”, a no-BS guide to overcoming your personal challenges and getting what you want.

(LISTEN to the inspiring talk below)

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