cancer cells attacked by white t-cellsA new leukemia treatment has experts buzzing over a possible cure that may one day change cancer treatment forever.

The experimental treatment delivered extraordinary results to the three leukemia patients who received it. Two of the three are now cancer-free.

Doctors genetically engineered white blood cells from the patients to make the cells kill the cancer.

Money is now pouring in to expand the research.

(READ the story from CBS News)


  1. For anyone who missed it, and would like more detail on the treatment, I wrote on it a few months ago. There are some important things to note, for example, the target of the modified Tcells must be found on the surface of the cells. These targeted a molecule known as CD19…

    I’m hoping there may be an alternative that removes this restriction… I’m not a researcher, but I spend my late nights studying Immunology and other bio sciences out of interest but also out of the hope that I might have something small to contribute to help alleviate the suffering of others… any way, my “investigation” can be read here if anyone is interested.

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