Couple holding hands a watching a sunset in Hawaii.

To Our Good News Network fans,

On this morning after election day, we know that you may be hurting over the prospect of an uncertain future. Abrupt change is always difficult.

But if there is one thing that has been–and will always be–true, it’s that you’re not alone.

Terrible things have happened since Good News Network was first published 19 years ago — 9/11, the Wall Street crash and the terrible recession that followed, bombings in the world’s greatest cities—but neighbors in communities always found strength and comfort.

America is essentially the same today, as it was yesterday: the caretaker of 400 National Parks brimming with magnificence; the engine for lively cities that are bustling hubs of cultural engagement and exchange; the historic land for which heroes fought for independence and freedom; the home of beloved and talented artists, poets, musicians, thinkers, engineers, and philanthropists who love this country like you do.

3 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Happier

It may feel impossible to have faith in the future. It may feel like you’re going to continue waking up to disappointment and despair, but remember there is always renewal—as sure as spring follows winter.

Every day, Good News Network will labor to bring you positive stories about people working to eliminate poverty and cruelty, making a difference with their kindness and love. Some of the stories may seem small and insignificant against a backdrop of global unrest, but it’s these small deeds, these grains of sand that make up a beach.

It’s your mindset that will create your world.

We are with you. And we are going to work harder than ever, every day, to remind you that you are a part of a community that chooses positivity over negativity—to remind you that even though things may look bleak, people are waking up all over the world and doing good.

MORE: How to Be Grateful Even During Tough Times

Today can be seen as a rebirth, on many levels. Let’s lay down our judgement and adversarial attitudes for two minutes and allow for the possibility of hope. Let’s try to stay open to the fact that history’s arc always bends toward the good.

– With affection, from McKinley Corbley, Managing Editor, and Geri, the Founder of Good News Network… (You can support the Good News Network with a Membership Donation, here)

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  1. For the first time in eight years I can breathe. This election has made me incredibly happy. I feel like there’s hope for this country again. We cannot sustain 20 Trillion in debt. We cannot allow people who are here illegally to keep draining us dry. We cannot keep treating veterans they way we do. And we cannot keep a Congress that does nothing to fix the problems we have. I am elated, and I am not alone Many, many others in this country feel the same. I’m not a hater. I help everyone I can. BUT, the people who come here need to do so legally. AND, we need law and order. We are so divided. I hope we can get back to being the UNITED States of American again. This election is a positive step for our country!

  2. Caryl,

    A third of that debt is government debt and is significantly down from the time that George W was in office and left us in a big recession. The remaining two-thirds is individual debt. Some of that is from people buying houses and luxury goods that they simply can’t afford. The other part is from people like me who have a mortgage. I bought a house I could afford and never missed a payment, despite being laid off.

    Those illegal immigrants provide a $12B life to the US. They come to the US and do the dirty jobs that Americans won’t do. They make up social security numbers and pay taxes on their earnings. These people don’t get tax refunds from our government so we benefit from they’re hard labor.

    It’s already hard for farmers to get pickers. When harvesting season rolls around, there won’t be anyone there to make sure that you and your family get fresh fruits and vegetables. If you have ever lived internationally, then you already know that our fresh produce is relatively inexpensive versus the test of the world.

    I find it interesting that Melania worked illegally in the US, but that doesn’t bother you.

    I’m not afraid that those Muslims and Mexicans, I’m afraid of people like you. And Caryl, I am sure that I am whiter than you are. I am completely Scottish and English.

    Google it.

  3. You do a very good job. There is good news around and it is a shame we have to look so hard for it. The bad is reported out of proportion to the majority but you stick with it and brighten peoples’ hearts encouragingly. It should filter down to those who are really at the receiving end of resentment. Jenifer’s second paragraph about immigrant’s willingness to get stuck in and do jobs that others won’t do is true in the UK and New Zealand.

  4. Tony, Thanks for your support. I do completely agree with Jennifer’s comments about illegal immigrants doing the picking that other American citizens won’t do. It’s realistic and compassionate.

    I think Caryl is a compassionate person at heart and his opinions valuable. I hope he realizes that “illegal” doesn’t mean that someone has no place in a society and therefore no value.
    Peace out. – Geri, founder of GNN

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