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Georgia teen with Mumbai kids

Teen Collects Books in French for her Second Goodwill Mission to Haiti

Giselle Osborn was among a handful of youth chosen to travel to Haiti this past August as part of a delegation to build eco-friendly...
stock shares

Dow Jones Average is Up 5% in 2011; Third Consecutive Year of Gains

The Dow Jones Industrial Average, an index of 30 blue-chip U.S. stocks, finished 2011 with a gain of 5.5 percent, the third consecutive year...
Volunteers from NVIDIA Project Inspire

1,500 Employees Skip Holiday Party to Transform Local Farm

In place of a holiday party, computer technology company NVIDIA conducted one of Silicon Valley's largest-ever employee volunteer events, with 1,500 employees and community...
bamboo packaging for Dell

Bamboo Packaging on Dell Computers Saves 70,000 Trees

All the hard-to-recycle packaging that keeps new Dell computers snug in their cartons but ends up in landfills is being replaced by environmentally-friendly bamboo...
Patriotic Millionaires in DC

American Millionaires Rewrite Their Own Image

A group called Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength came to Washington this week to ask the debt reduction "Super Committee" to raise taxes on...
Sketchbook case for Sketchtravel project

Artists Raise $104,000 With Sketchbook That Traveled Round the World

A blank sketchbook was sent to 71 exceptional artists around the world who each illustrated a page. After four and a half years of...
tree planting in Rwanda - UNEP photo

Forest Policies in Rwanda, US and Gambia Win UN-backed Awards

Rwanda won a United Nations-backed gold award for its forest promotion policies, an event that former US track and field star Carl Lewis, a...

Growth After Disaster: Going Beyond Resilience

It seems whenever we turn on the TV these days we witness disastrous scenes of flooding, fires, and typhoons forcing people from their homes...

Tony Robbins: How Can the Anniversary of 9/11 be Used to Change Your Life?

How do we react to a crisis? Do we let life destroy us, or can we find a way to turn even the most...
asphalt shingle grindings

States Recycle Old Roofing Shingles into Asphalt for Roads

Illinois has joined the ranks of states that allow their public road projects to use an asphalt mix that includes recycled shingles. Saying, "We can't...
Vittana student from Vietnam

Microfinance Effort Matches Tiny Lenders with Kids Who Yearn for College Worldwide

Another micro-finance initiative is improving the economic outlook for poor families around the world, this time through the financing of college tuition for students. Although...
UK electric cars get free solar charging-Ecotricity photo

UK Opens Free, Solar-powered Plug-in Vehicle Charging Network

For first time electric vehicles will be able to travel the length and breadth of Britain using the world’s first solar national charging network...
Interfaith Housing Alliance photo of self-help ownership program

Low-Income Neighbors Help Build Each Others’ Houses, and Strong Community Bonds

In Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, six low-income families are moving into houses they helped build themselves, thanks to a remarkable program set up by the...
Google doodle for Earth Day

Going Green by Going Google

From mowing it’s Googleplex headquarters’ lawn with a herd of goats to proposing a $4.68 trillion plan for changing alternative energy policy in the...

Big Pharma Follows Gates’ Lead; Slashes Drug Prices For Poor Countries

Last month in Geneva, Bill Gates laid out his vision for the impact that broadening access to vaccines can have on the world. Now,...
CBS video shows portrait and subject of blind painter

Blind Artist Amazes With Color and Talent (Video)

"His fingers are now every bit as perceptive as his eyes once were." The artist, whose oil paintings are known for their brilliant color, started...
image by Sun Star

Hilton Foundation Pledges $50 Million To Clean Water Initiatives

On World Water Day last week, the Conrad Hilton Foundation announced a pledge of $50 million to address the water needs of more than...
hog waste storage by Jonathen Darwin via Morguefile - CC

Missouri Pork Processor Will Reuse All its Waste to Power the Plant

Meat eaters should search out Heritage Acres' all-natural pork products. Not only are their pasture-raised hogs hormone-free and fed only soy, corn and oats...
egypt flag waving by Kodak-Agfa-flickr-CC

My Vote Finally Counted: Flying Home for Egypt’s Referendum

I got excited as the plane approached the tarmac. A wide smile overtook my face as I contemplated my last-minute decision to travel from...
tax forms

17 New Small Business Tax Cuts for 2010

Since January 2009, President Obama and Congress has passed or extended 17 small business tax cuts and credits, including the exclusion of up to...