homeless-get-lunch.jpgMarcia Merrick says helping is simple. With her two kids grown up now, she still makes lunches every morning — 400 of them — for Kansas City’s homeless. 400 paper bags are each filled with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a bean burrito, chips, fruit, and two homemade cookies. She also includes a note of encouragement.

As the founder of Reaching Out, Inc., she starts every day (Christmas and other holidays included) at 4:30 a.m. so she can finish her preparations and make the 15-minute drive to downtown Kansas City by 6 a.m., the time when most homeless shelters close and their overnight guests are turned out. She also makes stops at homeless encampments tucked away in secluded spots around the fringes of the city, under bridges and highway overpasses, and along the banks of the Missouri River.

(READ more in the CS Monitor)

ALSO, Watch a video report from KMBC on YouTube


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