unicef-niger-girl-school-coenTwo thousand prisoners and their families will receive assistance, 2,000 more orphans around the world will be helped, 2,000 poor people will receive clothes, and 2,000 businessmen will be approached to sponsor students abroad.

The United Arab Emirates Red Crescent has produced a plan of action for the Millennium Year, and among the numerous activities promoting the Society and helping those in need, at least 20 included the magic figure of 2000.

“Through our offices abroad, we are already assisting 10,000 orphans but we want to expand with 2,000 more, explains Tariq Ali Ghaleb, the director of the National Society.” The orphans are identified in Somalia, Kazakstan, Indonesia and the Balkans.

Another project involves supporting 2,000 prisoners and their families. “We identify those who have committed petty crime like forging a cheque because they are in debt. These prisoners are in jail until they pay what they owe. We try to find funds among wealthy people to help those who are in prison just because they are poor. Then we bail them out, reunite the families and give them a new start so that the father can again provide for the family”, says Tariq Ali Ghaleb.

-Weekly News, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Photo credit: UNICEF in Niger

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