Hidalgo family portrait - MSNBC videoA Florida family caught in an economic vise: parents who lost their jobs, a home in foreclosure, two teenagers wondering if they’d be able to stay in Florida, not knowing if they’d graduate with their friends

With tears streaming down her face, 15-year-old Gavi described how hard it is to be dealing with so much stress.

Thirteen hundred miles away, when another American family saw the NBC report on television, they were deeply affected by what they saw.

John Vann, his immigrant wife and two grown children decided as a family to reach out. They wanted to help.

The successful businessman developed a six-point plan to help the struggling Hidalgo family hold on to the American Dream, beginning with a pledge of $2,000 every month for two years to help them get back on their feet.

(WATCH 2 Making A Difference videos below, or read the story at MSNBC)


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