Paxton McClung-gofundme

Sometimes, it really does take a village.

Two-year-old Paxton McClung was born with cortical displaysia, a condition that results in epilepsy. He’s gone through several surgeries, but one piece of equipment called a “stander” is needed to further improve his mobility.

The trouble is, insurance companies won’t cover the cost of the $4,300 device.

Paxton’s mother called on the community to participate in a garage sale, and their neighbors obliged: together they raised $3,600 to purchase the stander, which will help stabilize Paxton’s joints, among other things.Tiger-Woods-with-Letter-Screenshot-Golf-Digest

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“It will help him build muscle in his legs and his abs so that he’ll be able to hopefully walk, and stand up and crawl and sit up and all the things we’ve been looking forward to,” Paxton’s mother told WSB-TV Atlanta.

The family also set up a fundraising page, where they have raised an additional $3,000, with many donations coming in from strangers, including one for $410, since this news report aired.

(WATCH the video below or READ the full story at WSB)

Story tip by Judy Ritchie

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