Credit: christian buehner

Modern men are nearly as likely as women to openly display a sensitive side, according to a new survey.

The poll of 2,000 adults found that 71% of the men reported being in touch with their feelings—compared to 82% of women.

Of the respondents who called themselves sensitive, 41% outwardly show it often—or always.

One-third of those polled believes being in tune with how they feel is the sign of a good leader.

52% considered being seen as sensitive as a positive trait. But, interestingly, only 37% of men consider it ‘a compliment’ to being called sensitive, and 23% of women feel the same way.

Commissioned by Aveeno (which launched a series of videos by photographer Julia Fullerton-Batten called ‘My Sensitive Side’), the survey found 55% believe others are ‘more likable’ when they openly show their sensitive side.

More than a third reported that their emotional intelligence turned out to be an asset in a work situation in the past, according to the OnePoll results.

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Sensitivity may be in our nature—and may also be an evolutionary benefit.

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