Isabella Ramirez, age 1

Parents whose babies are being treated in the always-scary neonatal intensive care unit at this hospital get a message of hope every day.

Every time parents or nurses pass down the hallway, they get to visualize a positive future for the tiny patients.

The Mesa, Arizona hospital, Banner Children’s at Desert, created a ‘Wall of Hope’ as a reminder for families to expect better days ahead.

The wall features photos that highlight former NICU patients in a stark and inspiring contrast.

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The images show the now-healthy, happy kids holding pictures of themselves when they were tiny babies hooked to monitors and weighing only a few pounds.

Henry Olmstead, age 4

It’s clear in these photos the kids are proud to have overcome major setbacks as infants with the help of their families and medical team.

Mark and Colt Mitchell, age 1

The wall was created by the NICU Parent Advisory Board for both patients and staff—to help keep their spirits up during difficult times.

Kane Van Nortwick, age 3 – All photos by Madison Leigh Photography

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