
This jaw-dropping photo was no walk in the park – figuratively, at least.

American photographer Mike Mezeul II hiked 13 miles through the Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island of Hawaii so he could capture the Milky Way, the moon, and lava all in one shot.

LOOKHawaiian Volcano Erupts Into Smiley Face Just as its Flow Reaches the Sea

Since Mike couldn’t stay too long due to a high risk of being burned by the lava, he packed it up after the meteor shot through the top left corner.

Be sure to follow Mike’s future adventures on his website or Instagram page.

Click To Share The Stunning Story With Your FriendsPhotos by Mike Mezeul II


  1. This photo really captures the amazing universe in which we live. I was dismayed by our current political climate in America.However this photo reminded me how insignificant those worries are. So much wonder in the world.
    Grateful for this splendid photo and the risk the photographer took to capture it.

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