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Breakthrough Treatment for Hepatitis C Shows 100% Success

Hepatits C, the dangerously transmittable disease prevalent in Africa and Asia, may have just met its match. A new study published at The International Liver Congress in Barcelona,...

Success: Green Sea Turtles of Florida and Mexico No Longer Endangered

Years of coordinated conservation efforts have paid off for the green sea turtle populations in Florida and the Pacific coast of Mexico. The Fish...

Library Connects Homeless Patrons With Mental Health Treatment –With Great Success

People can check out a lot more than books at the San Francisco Public Library — they can find housing and mental health care,...

Doctor Fulfills Girl’s Wish to Hear Him Sing After Successful Surgery (WATCH)

[youtube]   When Kaylee Peebles was recovering from her intestine surgery, she asked if her doctor could make her feel better by singing her a...

The Power of Thanks: Research Links Gratitude to Successful Marriages

A key ingredient to improving your marriage might be the simple sweetener called gratitude, according to researchers. “We found that feeling appreciated and believing that...

Crazy-Successful Adoption Event Empties Out Entire Animal Shelter

There’s nothing quite like the site of an empty animal shelter. The silence from cages that last week held 100 homeless animals speaks volumes about...

Ebola Vaccine Trial Proves 100% Successful in Guinea

A vaccine against Ebola has been shown to be 100% successful in trials conducted during the outbreak in Guinea and is likely to bring...

40% Less Mercury in Fish Shows Success of US Coal Industry Caps

  A large drop in bluefish mercury levels suggest a healthier seafood supply – and that U.S. coal regulations are working. Mercury levels in bluefish caught...

50% Success in HIV Vaccine Tests Leads to Human Trials

A new, experimental HIV vaccine is being tested in humans after it completely prevented the disease in half the monkeys it was given to. Drug...

5th Grader Runs Successful Nonprofit– After Homework is Done

This eleven-year-old is proof that size doesn't matter when you have a big idea. Mandi Simon drafted up the business plan for her nonprofit, Simon...

Endangered Species Day: 9 Success Stories to Make You Cheer Today

From a grandmother nursing orphaned elephants to a whole town rallying for a little salamander, the past year has been ripe with good news surrounding endangered species. To...

Sick of Banks? Man Opens His Own: The Wild Success of “Bank On Dave”

What could a man do if the entire banking industry suddenly made it impossible for him to continue doing business because they stopped giving loans to his customers?...

In Successful Cancer Trial, Therapy “Dissolves” Stage IV Tumor in 3 Weeks

An experimental drug combination dissolved a cancerous tumor so fast, it caught researchers completely off-guard. The two-drug combo completely eliminated a woman’s melanoma —...

Car Wash’s Secret to Success? 35 Autistic Employees

The Rising Tide car wash in Parkland, Florida has hired 35 employees whose stellar quality is that they have autism. "We view autism as one...

Prison Program Produces Business Savvy Inmates And Huge Success Rates

The Texas-based Prison Entrepreneurship Program (PEP) believes that helping inmates prepare to start their own businesses when they leave prison will reduce the likelihood...

Honoring Three Men Who Came to B.C., Found Success, and Gave Millions Back

A jovial 87-year-old has parlayed a huge construction business in Iran into a Canadian philanthropic legacy that will continue long after he is gone. His...
Made in America factory workers ABCNews report

Why America is Naturally Made For Success

Many believe the American economy has some inherent advantages over its major competitors – a more flexible structure, stronger entrepreneurial traditions, a more demographically...

How Successful People Handle Toxic People

Toxic people defy logic. Some are blissfully unaware of the negative impact they have on those around them, and others seem to derive satisfaction...

Nigeria Declared Ebola-Free; ‘Spectacular Success’

Nigeria is now free of the Ebola virus, the World Health Organization officially declared on Monday. The most populous country in Africa reported 20 cases...

Thank You Chicago! GNN Party is a Big Success

  Our Chicago GNN Meet-and-Greet could not have been more fun! With sunny skies and a beautiful beach stretching right alongside our tables, we ate...