Kristin Johnson St. Goddard screenshot KING

When doctors discovered Kristin Johnson St. Goddard’s breast cancer had spread to her lungs, they told her she had 18 months to two years left to live.

That was 18 years ago.

GNN app banner ad 300x250But Kristin is still going strong. In fact, her life is a blur of activity in this video — never slowing down as she caters a fundraiser for her cancer support group and serves as it’s motivational speaker.

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She and her doctors have no idea why she’s still alive. The cancer has never been in remission, and has been classified as “stage four” the whole time.

Kristin says nothing is as important as simply appreciating life.

RELATED:  Mediterranean Diet and Extra Olive Oil Can Lower Risk of Breast Cancer

And, humor is important too. Whenever she leaves a phone message for anyone who hasn’t called her back she readily reminds them, “I’m Stage Four, remember.” And she’s been kidding about it for years.

(WATCH the video below by KING News) — Photo: KING video

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