A user of the online bulletin board Reddit got hold of a great little video to uplift the heart and remind all parents of those special moments of immense pride.

In the video, a relatively new father has a toddler resting in his arms and is attempting to talk with him.

Clearly not of talking age yet, the little boy seems confused at first, until he picks up on his father’s attempts to sound out the words “I love you.”

With all the effort he can manage he contorts his mouth to imitate his dad—and the room erupts with joy.

“It’s moments like these that make all the sleepless nights and diaper changes worth it, LOL,” one commenter noted.

Watch the moment of elation below…

Baby boy says "I love you" to Dad copying his lip movements.
by u/lonely_fucker69 in MadeMeSmile

SHARE The Video With Any New Dads, OR Someone Who Needs A Pick Me Up…  


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