Title: Tony Robbins’s Key to Success, Wealth, and Fulfillment

The Lesson: This business mogul has had more than enough experience in the corporate world, and he has one surprising rule for how he believes people can find success: being able to give back to people even when you don’t have anything for yourself.

Notable Excerpt: “When you have nothing is when you need to give. If you’re gonna wait until you think you have something, you’re never going to have something to give of any size or scale.”

The GuestTony Robbins is a best-selling author, motivational speaker, life coach, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. The California-based strategist has become such an influential lecturer, over 4 million people have attended his live seminars. His show, The Tony Robbins podcast, is available for free on Spotify and iTunes, and you can also find more of his motivational talks and interviews on his YouTube channel.

The Host: After spending years of his young life and athletic career struggling with his own emotional wellbeing, a crippling injury left Lewis Howes without an identity and without any work. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, however, Howes recreated himself as a multi-million dollar media producer, motivational speaker, bestselling author, and podcast host. The ex-football player now spends his days chatting with the most inspirational icons of his generation on his School of Greatness podcast..

Podcast: The School of Greatness podcast is available for download on Soundcloud and iTunes. You can also watch footage of the interviews on Howes’s YouTube channel.

Books: Howes is the author of the New York Times bestselling book “The School of Greatness”: an in-depth collection of lessons and wisdom that he has gathered from interviewing hundreds of the world’s greatest role models and thinkers. Howes’s latest book, “The Mask of Masculinity”, is based on his experience with the dangerous stereotypes and expectations that are placed on men in modern society.

(LISTEN to the inspiring talk below) – Photo by Asenat29, CC

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