These innovative caps for prescription pill bottles could help curb opioid addiction and abuse amongst seniors and adolescents alike.

The TimerCap is a medication lid featuring a built-in timer that reads when the bottle was last opened. Every time the bottle is closed, the timer resets to when it is supposed to be opened next.

In the midst of an opioid epidemic, these lids could deter young adults from stealing their parents’ prescription drugs for abusive purposes; or, it could help seniors to remember when they last took their medication.

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The lids can also be paired with Bluetooth technology to send email and text notifications to the owner telling them when it is time to take the medication, or if the bottle has been opened before the appropriate time.

According to the TimerCap website, their encouraging research shows the lids have increased proper medication habits by 33%.

Drugs store chains CVS, Rite Aid, and Walgreens have all partnered with TimerCap in order to improve distribution with the hopes that the product will deter drug abuse.

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“My mom was addicted to opioids for as long as I remember,” Larry Twersky, the CEO of TimerCap, told FOX 11 News. “This is one of the biggest crises and I hope we have the ability to make simple decisions and simple choices that can affect the population dramatically.”

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