Officer-David-Harriman-dives-for-doggieOn Saturday, a police officer in Carver, Massachusetts arrived on the scene to see a vehicle completely submerged in eight feet of water.

The driver, Debra Titus, and her dog were able to escape the Toyota truck on their own, but said there was still one dog that hadn’t emerged.

Officer David Harriman, an avid dog lover, quickly removed his gun belt, gave it to his partner, and dove into the murky water. He then managed to open the door and enter the vehicle and retrieve the dog, which was in good health but a little frightened.

A photo of the rescue, posted on the Carver Police Department Facebook page has gotten a thumbs-up from more than 50,000 people, with seven thousand sharing the story with their friends.

Story tip submitted by Lori Strunk on Facebook

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