After decades of hard work, a Canadian man was finally rewarded with the best birthday gift ever.

On a fateful day last week, Ping Kuen Shum was not only in high spirits because it was his birthday – it was also his last day of work before heading into retirement.

Feeling lucky from the milestones, he stopped at a convenience store in Richmond, British Columbia to buy a lottery ticket.

Astonishingly, it turned out to be the winning ticket, earning him a $1.5 million jackpot because he managed to match all 6 numbers to the winning combination.

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The British Columbia Lottery Corporation says that the likelihood of this happening is roughly 1 in 13,983,816.

“It’s unbelievable that all three events happened on the same day,” Shum said in a statement from the lottery. “I have worked hard for so many years and I’m looking forward to sharing this fortune with my family.”

As a means of celebrating his windfall, Shum says that he took his family out for dinner and now plans on taking them all to China for a vacation.

Feeling Lucky? Click To Share The Story With Your FriendsPhoto by British Columbia Lottery Corporation

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