bubble bath kid-submitted by Jason Galvez

It was an average and quiet night in the post-dinner Galvez household – until bathmageddon took over out in the tub.

Luke the four-year-old toddler was enjoying the suds that arose in his nightly bath supervised by his father Jason in New York.

“After filling the tub with warm water,” Jason told Good News Network, “I added just a cap-full of bubble-bath so Luke could enjoy some bubbles.”

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While dad nipped out of the bathroom to grab a fresh pair of kiddie PJs, he returned to find soap hiding almost every inch of the bathtub with Luke peering out amongst the white suds.

“Luuuuuke,” Jason asked, “did you pour all the bubble-bath into the water?”

The stunned tot wisely assessed the situation before replying innocently, “What bubble bath?”

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