Here’s a stat most Californians have likely never heard: for every five gas stations in California, there’s now one electric vehicle fast charging station.

105,000 public or shared private electric vehicle chargers have been installed throughout California, which is on top of over 500,000 at-home chargers. The state also recently approved a $1.9 billion plan to build a bigger, better charging network.

Governor Gavin Newsom dropped by a Tesla supercharger on Earth Day to highlight the state’s progress in reaching the goal of a better charging network, as well as Tesla’s recent work to open its fast chargers to non-Tesla vehicles.

On April 12th, the California Energy Commission (CEC) approved a $1.9 billion investment plan that advances the state’s electric vehicle (EV) charging and hydrogen refueling goals. This funding builds on $1.8 billion already invested and will help deploy 40,000 new public EV chargers statewide and other zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) infrastructure across California, creating the most extensive charging and hydrogen refueling network in the country.

Combined with funding from the federal government, utilities, and other programs, the state believes that these investments will help it achieve its goal of deploying 250,000 public EV chargers at sites throughout California, such as highway corridors and shopping centers. This is in addition to private installations and home chargers.


The need for chargers goes just beyond trying to encourage and incentivize people to buy an EV, that’s already happening on a wide scale.

25% of all new cars sold in California last year were ZEVs, according to the California Energy Commission (CEC), while the 1,846,874 total ZEV sales to date mean that of new ZEVs sold in the U.S., 34% are sold in California, according to data presented by the governor.

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