Jackie Chan has been in dozens of movies where he fought for humans around the world – but now he has stepped into a role as advocate for pangolins.

The commercial, which just debuted in Beijing, features the legendary martial arts master teaching young pangolins how to do kung fu.

At first, it seems that despite Chan’s teaching, all they are capable of doing is curling up in defense. But then, when they are confronted by a poacher, they utilize their newly-taught skills to put the hunter where he belongs: in the trash.

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The public service announcement, entitled “Kung Fu Pangolin,” was made in partnership with WildAid and The Nature Conservancy to encourage the conservation of this Asian animal, the only known mammal with protective scales covering their skin.

The video commercial, shown below, supports a ban against the commercial pangolin trade that was issued in 2016 by the United Nations.

“The priority for pangolin conservation is reducing consumer demand and improving enforcement,” said WildAid CEO Peter Knights. “Jackie reaches a vast audience across Asia and there are clear signs these campaigns have had an impact and attitudes are changing. Shark fin imports to China went down 81% in three years. Ivory seizures there were down 80% last year, and ivory and rhino horn prices have fallen by more than 50%.”

(WATCH the video below)

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