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Then I slowly turned in a circle like a human radar hoping for a miracle. All of a sudden, I seemed to feel the invisible hands of God – or perhaps those of loving angels – on my back.

The hands applied pressure, moving and directing me in the opposite direction from where we had been searching.

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The hands indicated which way to go at every street crossing. We turned left, then right, and walked another block; then, they guided me to the end of the street. I followed their directions for a quarter of a mile to a location we had not previously searched, when in the next instant the sun rose and the guiding hands lifted.

At a loss and now feeling all alone, I desperately called for the last time: “C-a-m-a-l-o-t” and heard a cat meow. From 25 steps away, he slowly crawled out from under a bush. He blinked his huge-beautiful green Disney eyes at me, waiting to be picked up. It was a miracle!

My soul soared, my heart melted.

So, is there a God out there? We all make that decision in our own way, but taking the time to ask seemed to be the key for me. I became a true believer.

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We joyously carried Camalot back to the camper and placed him in front of the water bowl.

Oh, and patiently-waiting for her buddy to return, our other cat Channel walked right over to him and smacked him on the head with her paw, with a look that said: “You sure caused a lot of trouble.” That was the first and last time we ever saw her do that.

As upsetting as Camalot’s disappearance was, it appears it was meant to guide us toward understanding that a higher power is at work in our lives. And now, 44 years later, it is a story that can offer hope in your life: May you, too, find what is missing, when you finally ask.

Mary Ellen “Angel Scribe” lives a life of miracles and is author of “A Christmas Filled With Miracles: Inspiring Stories for the Magic of the Seasons.” An international pet columnist. Her swimming cats were featured on Animal Planet’s Must Love Cats and Anderson Cooper. Find more heart warming, inspirational miracle stories on her website and Facebook pages: Angel Scribe and Pet Tips and Tales. 

Be Sure And Share The Pawesome Tail With Your FriendsPhoto by Andrey, CC



  1. Thank you so much for sharing this. Over the last few years I have practiced listening to higher guidance all through my day and as I have gotten clearer it is an unequaled practice for being kinder, happier, healthier and wiser. I love it- it’s like opening a grab bag every day to see what is in it. And it is more often than not guidance for doing things I thought I would never do, or thought I didn’t like and it is completely delightful, challenging sometimes but so worth it.

    Wizzes right past my fears of this or that and I’m always pleasantly surprised. It does take practice to not be listening to mind and emotions and unconscious stuff instead but asking for the soul, or God or spirit or whatever you call it to be the guide is magnificent. I heard Oprah say the other day that that is how she guides her life.

    Honestly how it works for me is very similar to this article except I hear the guidance- and often it is block by block when I’m not working and out for an adventure. It is exciting and I wouldn’t change it for anything. I just make sure I’m connected to the heart- to love.

  2. Excellent, Anand!
    I had an intuition to text a girlfriend, ask if she was doing okay, and offer support if she needed it… She texted and then called me. “How did you know?” She did need someone to tell about a difficult situation, and I told her I was just following my intuition, which would have been easy to ignore in that moment, because I was busy.

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