credit – Blake Kincheloe CC 3.0. ND-SA

A son recently surprised his grandfather by repairing his 70-year-old pickup truck to a fully functioning automobile, and the video will bring a tear to your eye.

“50 dollars and a hog” is what Richard Kincheloe’s mother paid for a red, 1954 International Harvester pickup truck, which Richard, now a grandfather, drove around for years until it broke down.

His grandson Blake Kincheloe, grew up thinking of the International as his own little truck, even giving it the nickname “Cannonball”, however it has served as a multi-ton paperweight and spider hotel, sittign broken and idle on Richard’s property.

Coming of age, Blake contemplated what a swell idea it would be to have the old truck up and running again.

Taking it into C&J’s Classic Cars, he first planned for nothing more than a set of modern brakes, but soon a full restoration was ongoing, adding parts all over the car from brake lights, which the original didn’t have, to a bathroom door latch because the door handle mechanism was unsalvageable.

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Then came the big day; when Blake and his father would drive Cannonball down Richard’s driveway for the first time in 45 years.

ALSO CHECK OUT: Teens Step in to Rebuild a Jeep After Sentimental Family Project Stalled With Dad’s Death

“What’s that pappa?” a female voice can be heard asking Richard in a video made by Blake and other family/friends as the truck approached. “Well, I’ll be danged!” he exclaimed.

As for his priceless response, it’s best to listen for yourself (NOTE: Some word choices may not be for children.)

WATCH the short USA Today video below (with ad), OR the longer original video at the bottom… 

SHARE This Charming Family Video With Your Friends Who Love The South… 

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