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Instead of Sleep Meds, Special Lighting Helps Nursing Home Residents Get Better Sleep, Study Finds

This new study from Brown University has found a simple, but effective way of using light to curb health problems in nursing home residents.

Nigerian-Irish Teens Develop a Dementia App for Sufferers Coping With Lockdown–and It’s Won Awards

Thanks to three remarkable teenage girls and their amazing mentor, there’s a brand-new app on the horizon specifically designed to help Dementia patients and...

Medicamento que Realmente Repara el Daño de los Nervios, les da Esperanza a los Científicos para Tratamientos Futuros de EM

Los medicamentos metmorfina y bexaroteno han demostrado en las pruebas que reparan la mielina en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple o EM.

Missing His Hugs, Quarantined Kids Honor the Veteran Who Spent Thousands of Hours Mentoring Them in School

Over the last decade ‘Grandpa Ron’, as the students call him, has volunteered thousands of hours every year to be with local school children—but...

Los Científicos Están Emocionados al Descubrir a la Proteína Detrás de la Diabetes Tipo 2

La proteína detrás de la diabetes tipo 2 finalmente ha sido vista cuando provoca la diabetes y ésto podría llevar a un gran avance...

Stress Keeping You Up Past Your Bedtime? 10 Simple, Science-backed Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

Stressful times call for stressless measures, and one of the most important ways to improve your ability to resist stress and anxiety is to...

Losing the COVID 19-Pounds (of Weight Gain): Slimming Strategies for Post-Lockdown Renewal

There are a lot of reasons why diet, sleep, and exercise patterns may have been interrupted during the coronavirus lockdowns. Getting back into routines...

Excited Scientists Make Type-2 Diabetes Breakthrough With First-Ever Glimpse At How Protein Behind Disease Works

The protein behind Type 2 diabetes has finally been caught in the act, and could lead to a breakthrough in treatment. More than 400 million...

Boy Recreates Iconic Scene From Toy Story to Mark His First Day of School

A boy’s first day at school has gone viral ‘to infinity and beyond’, after he recreated the iconic goodbye scene from the Toy Story...

Breakthrough For Spinal Cord Injuries and Dementia as Protein Builds ‘Striking’ Repairs

A drug that repairs damage to the brain and spinal cord has been created by British scientists offering hope for new therapies that address...

Sharp Reductions in Lung Cancer Death Rates Every Year Shown to Be Due to New Treatments

According to a new study, mortality rates from the most common lung cancer have fallen sharply in the United States in recent years, due...

Creative Seniors Take On The Latest Trend And Recreate Vogue Covers – LOOK

These pictures show elderly residents at an English care home taking part in the latest viral internet trend—recreating iconic Vogue magazine covers. Seniors at Robinson...

Lifelike Robotic Pets Bring Joy And Serenity To Seniors, Combatting Stress And Loneliness

Lifelike ‘companion animals’ are now offering the elderly all the feel-good perks of pet ownership, but without the drawbacks. According to research, pet therapy has...

Floating Movie Nights Where Viewers Sit in Socially-Distant Boats May Be Coming to the U.S. And Canada

Fancy coming aboard a boat for an aquatic movie adventure? It was a big success last month in Paris and now cinema fans in...

Scientists Make Giant Leap in Diagnosing Liver Disease By Using The Natural Gut Microbiome

Chronic liver disease is challenging to diagnose, but the microbiome inside a person’s gut may be an unexpected solution, says Salk research.

Programa de Ayuno Intermitente Muestra que el Cáncer y la Enfermedad Metabólica Pueden Eliminarse en Ratones y Humanos

Esta nueva investigación ha descrito aún otro beneficio del ayuno intermitente - que puede derivar del tiempo en el que se come, en vez de lo qué se come.

New Intermittent Fasting Program Shown to Suppress Cancer and Metabolic Disease in Mice and Humans

This new research has outlined yet another benefit to intermittent fasting—that may arise from the time you eat, rather than what you eat.

El Primer Dentífrico Identificador de Sarro Reduce Significativamente la Inflamación Corporal

Plaque HD is la primera pasta dental del mundo que usa propiedades cambiantes al color para identificar la placa dental -- y también podría ayudar a reducir drásticamente el riesgo de ataques cardiacos.

Falleciendo a sus 103 años, el Actor Kirk Douglas Dona su Fortuna de $61 Millones de Dólares a la Caridad

Kirk Douglas leyenda de Hollywood falleció a los 103 y dejó su fortuna de 61 millones de dólares a causas como la Universidad de St Lawrence y el Hospital de Niños de Los Ángeles.

These are the 3 Most Promising Longevity Supplements From Scientific Research So Far

A growing body of research says that NR, NMN, and resveratrol are the most promising nutritional supplements for slowing the decline of aging.