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Two Cops Do Their Duty By Doing The Dishes When It Counts Most

We all know it’s part of your job when you’re a law enforcement officer–to protect and serve. But, serving egg sandwiches? Two Dutch cops were...

Cops’ Surprising Happy Ending After Thieves Steal Boy’s 6 Pumpkins (WATCH)

When little Sam Campanella noticed the Halloween pumpkins missing from his front porch, he knew he had to call 911. His parents tried to explain...

Dog Injured While Stopping Home Intruder Saved by Quick Thinking Cops

When a black Labrador saw an intruder entering her home, the dog sprang into action, scaring him away. In the process, the dog named Egypt...

Texas Cops Give A Father 3 Car Seats, Instead of a Fine

When a Cedar Park, Texas police officer came upon a man parked in a truck with an expired registration, he noticed that three small children sitting...

8 Stories of Cops Being Absolutely Awesome in 2015

From coaching little league to handing out gift cards to strangers in need, these officers made us freeze, put our hands above our heads, and...

Uncanny Rescue: Cops Struggle to Free Groundhog From Tin Can on His Head (WATCH)

This groundhog couldn’t see his shadow — or anything else for that matter. His head was wedged inside a food can. Campus police at Lehigh...

Black Students Stand Arm in Arm with White Cops to ‘End the Pain’ (WATCH) p = new anv_pl_def(); p.config = {}; p.config.width = 640; p.config.height = 360; p.loadVideoExpressV3('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|1000011|SPS');   Students and police officers hope to “end the pain” by...

Cops Decide Heroin Addicts Will Be Helped With Rehab, Not Arrested

People who turn in their drugs to the Gloucester Police Department and ask for help won’t be arrested, they’ll be rehabilitated. Additionally, the department will...

Friendly Sea Lion Pulls Over Cops, Gets Buckled in the Cruiser

It was a foggy night with low visibility when Mendocino County Sheriff Deputies came across an unexpected highway wanderer at 1:00am Sunday. The lost sea...

Touchdown For Cops: Officers Delight Kids In Random Pick-up Game (WATCH)

When Michigan mom Jessica Lindsay saw two police officers approaching her children last week, she began to worry. What was going on? The concern soon...

Cops Buy Them a Car Seat Instead of Slapping Family With a Ticket

When two Michigan policemen were notified that a woman parked at a local McDonald's was holding a baby in her lap, they came ready...

Cops Buy Back Pawned Wedding Ring for Elderly Cornwall Couple

  Responding to a domestic dispute call, Cornwall police officers in Canada arrived at the home to find an elderly woman suffering from dementia and...

Video Shows Cops Surprising Drivers With Huge Gifts On Their Wish Lists

The Lowell, Michigan Police Department used a hidden microphone to summon Christmas presents out of thin air during traffic stops with unsuspecting motorists. And...

What These Two Cops Did After 2-yo Calls 911 Has Everyone Smiling

  Boynton Beach, Florida Police Officers Barry Ward & Terrence Paramore responded to a local apartment Saturday following a 911 hangup by a two-year-old who...

Cops to Issue More “Tickets” This Summer Using “Profiling”

The Brimfield, Ohio Police Department announced this week that they are redoubling their efforts in the name of safety, pulling over as many citizens...
Police in Canada high five kids on bikes

Cops Give Out “Positive Tickets” Across Canada

All across Canada, police departments have been ticketing kids. But they're not handing out the tickets that incur fines or suspend drivers licenses. "Positive...
Cops honored by Obama WH-2013 TopCops

President Obama Celebrates Top Cops

President Obama welcomed to the White House Saturday the winners of the TOP COPS award for law enforcement who have shown extraordinary bravery and...
deputy sits at school lunchtable - ABC Video

Cops Do Their Routine Paperwork at Schools, a Cheap Way to Add Security

Inspired to bolster school security by the December shooting inside Connecticut's Sandy Hook Elementary School, deputies in Douglas County are voluntarily doing their paperwork...
Cop and homeless shoeless man-JenniferFoster

Six Photos That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity – and Cops

Officer Buys Boots for Homeless Man- This photo taken by a tourist in Times Square, shows 25 year-old NYPD officer Lawrence DePrimo stooping on his...

Philly Cops Honored for Compassion and Fairness

"Philadelphia Police Chief of Staff Kimberly Byrd has won the coveted George Fencl Award - named for the exemplary head of Civil Affairs during...