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Nonverbal Boy with Autism Shares Special Bond with Deaf New Shelter Dog

Connor only communicates through signing and gestures – as fate would have it, so does his deaf new companion named Ellie.

More Than 800 Animals Find Loving Homes Thanks to One Woman Paying All Adoption Fees

Kim Pacini-Hauch doesn't care about what price she has to pay – she just wants to make sure that every shelter pet in Sacramento has a loving home.

Woman is Paying All Shelter Adoption Fees Until 2017 So Pets Can Find Forever Homes

This Californian real estate agent doesn't care how much money it takes – she's making sure that every shelter pet has a home for the holidays.

Domestic Violence Shelters Will Soon Be Renovated to Accommodate Pets

Hundreds of domestic violence shelters in the United States aren't fitted for the pets of survivors – but this organization is working to change that.

Watch Uber Driver Surprise Passengers With Shelter Pups

Jonathan Guarano wanted to raise awareness for animal adoption – so he brought these perfect pups along for his passengers to love.

Animal Lovers Rejoice! There’s Now a Wine For Your Furry Friends

You don't have to be a lonely cat lady in order to appreciate how exciting it is to kick back, relax, and share a glass of Pinot Meow with your feline.

High School Cross Country Team Take Shelter Dogs For a Run

It's hard to tell who's having more fun: the abandoned shelter pups or the high school teens.

Shelter Offers “Unadoptable” Feral Cats to Hunt Rats —With Big Success

With rat control problems up 67% in one year, Chicago is trying an old-fashioned, non-toxic, solution to solving the problem.

Every View of this Adorable Doggie Video Earns One Pound of Food for a Shelter

Do you want to unleash someone’s inner joy? Puppies can make almost anyone's day better– and these pups are making the day better for...

Community Donates Hundreds of Bags of Pet Food After Shelter Theft –Watch

After hundreds of dollars worth of pet food was stolen from their Bedford office, the Animal Rescue League of New Hampshire reports the donations that came flooding in have replaced the food ten-fold.

Shelter Cats Nurse Orphaned Puppies Back to Health (Photos)

Dogs may be man's best friend, but these two puppies were lucky there were also some friendly mama cats around to help them out. //

Shelter Dog Saves Puppy’s Life–And Both Get Adopted in Show of Thanks

There are many heroes in animal rescue and sometimes that hero can be another dog – saving himself while saving another. A black lab puppy...

She Can’t Decide Which Dogs to Save, So Buys the Entire Horrid Shelter Overseas

When a woman couldn’t decide which dogs to rescue from a rundown shelter, she bought the whole place — and intends to save all 250...

Guy Gives Shelter Dogs Free Haircuts to Help Them Get Adopted (LOOK)

The secret to anyone’s success can start with a great haircut — even if you’re just a dog. Mark Imhof only started his dog grooming...

Dog Stolen as Pup Returned to Family by Shelter Volunteers 100 Miles Away

This puppy's 100-mile journey home might have been a rough one if she hadn't been picked up by Jersey volunteers.

Man Leaves $3 Million Fortune to Create New Animal Rescue Farm

He was an animal lover who had a dog, six cats, seven chickens, and a parakeet. Now, the Ohio man who had no family...

Shelter Dog Can’t Contain Emotions, Realizing He’s Rescued (WATCH)

Benny the shelter dog isn’t sure what to think when strangers show up outside his kennel door, but once he figures out he’s being...

Woman Donates Entire Toy Store to Kids in Homeless Shelters

Carol Suchman has skyrocketed to the top of Santa’s “Nice” list. The New York City woman donates toys to homeless children every Christmas, but this...

New Website Helps People Giving Up Pets to Avoid Shelters, Find Families

Having to give up a beloved pet is an incredibly difficult decision. Fortunately, a new app makes that process a little easier—and keeps animal shelters nationwide from...

“Sloth Lady” Who Saved 600 Rainforest Animals Nominated as Hero of the Year

A search for one lost animal has since led to the rescue of thousands. While looking for her dog, Monique Pool stopped by a South African animal shelter to...